"Scenes tend to occur in waves of three. The first wave brings the few, the adventurous and the enlightened. The second wave brings more, it brings the avant garde. The third and final wave brings the masses. The masses tend to be asses and they murder the scene."
The above quote was from a text remembering Phuket before it became popular. Popularity also destroyed it. In some sense this tends to happen to Art movements as well - just think of Modern and what happened. There was a compact thinking why they did something they did. Mostly against academic painting - or should I say - against other dogmatic people that thought that painting was about brown color, copying Old Masters, avoiding life and pretending that everything could be approached through allegories?
Well, they got their counter attack. Color, wild compositions (if any), splitting the image in facets, experimenting and letting the color drip, drop and splash. Funnily though, the Modern Masters were educated in the atmosphere of the Tradition, so they knew perfectly well how to fight against it. The next generation was not that skillful or knowledge-wise. They simply stuck to the Modern cliches and forms and repeated them endlessly. So much that it finally became so much unlike Modern and they started to call it POSTmodernism - whatever that is. I think it's much of everything and nothing at the same time.
In my mind, Art is much to do with patterns but they need to be review at times to make sure they still are viable and not just repetition without meaning.
I sometimes feel that accomplishing to do an image of Art is like trying to make something very fragile to be stuck on 2-dimensional canvas forever - or that is the goal, very few get that far.