I f someone wonders why I like to stay in Thailand, there is a simple explanation to it. Namely the worth of my money. As a 'poor' artist I have to count what's left after a painting period and how can I eat and enjoy my life. Eat & Enjoy? Yep. Even we artists need to do these two things. Personally I think it's a shallow lie that best art is done in poor circumstances. Nobody expects - let's say - violinist to become world known playing on the streets and living in shack. I believe if ones poverty is of that magnitude there is little room for creativity.
Here in the Land Of Smile, my euro buys five times more than I could ever afford in Europe (Finland). The materials are the same, made by the same companies, under same product brands and so on. And what is best is that one can have roomy studio apartment where to enjoy ones life. Now I have lovely 2nd floor apartment about 70 square meter and they clean it every other day, bring me new water bottles and change for the linen. There is cable TV and everything is new. I pay as much 14.000 Baht a month (=about 300 euro). Where I come from I could probably get a garage with that money. No heating of course...
Here we have some work in progress pics...
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